Teeth whitening - Dental and Medical Center

Dental and Medical Center
Teeth Whitening

A beautiful smile can make us feel more confident. However, the color of our teeth can affect how we feel about them and how we perceive ourselves. Teeth whitening can help you feel better by making your teeth whiter and brighter, leading to a more beautiful smile.

At Dental and Medical Center, we offer teeth whitening services. This service is a specialized procedure to whiten your teeth. Teeth whitening is usually done to remove stains and discolorations on the surface of the teeth.

Teeth whitening can be done through various methods. Some of these include at-home teeth whitening products, in-office whitening procedures, laser teeth whitening, and other professional teeth whitening methods.

Before Teeth Whitening

Before the teeth whitening process, your dentist needs to examine your teeth. This examination is done to determine if your teeth are suitable for whitening. In some cases, teeth whitening may not be appropriate, and the dentist may recommend a different treatment.

After Teeth Whitening


After the teeth whitening procedure, it is essential to take special care of your teeth. This care will help maintain the results of the whitening process for a longer period. Also, after teeth whitening, you might need to avoid certain foods and beverages to maintain the level of whiteness.

Types of Teeth Whitening:

At-Home Teeth Whitening: Done with a custom-fitted mouth tray and whitening gels provided by your dentist. Typically, the tray is worn several hours a day for a few weeks. In-Office Teeth Whitening: Performed by the dentist in the office. A special gel is applied to your teeth, and this gel is activated using a light source to whiten your teeth.

The most suitable teeth whitening method for you will be determined after an examination by your dentist.

At Dental and Medical Center, we carry out the teeth whitening process professionally. Our expert dentists and experienced team strive to provide the best service. For information about our teeth whitening prices, you can contact us.

Teeth Whitening Prices:

For teeth whitening prices, you can contact us. We prepare a special treatment plan for each of our customers, so our prices are determined individually. For detailed information about our teeth whitening service and to get a price quote, you can get in touch with us.

Booking an Appointment:

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+90 545 586 86 17

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