Restorative dentistry - Dental and Medical Center

Dental and Medical Center
Restorative Dental Treatment

Restorative dental treatment focuses on repairing damaged, decayed, or broken parts of teeth. Not only does this treatment method prolong the life of the teeth, but it’s also aesthetically significant.

Dental Fillings

This treatment is implemented to repair cavities or minor fractures in the teeth. Typically, composite material is employed for fillings.

Anterior Aesthetic Fillings: These are designed to repair the dental structure in the front region resulting from cavities, breaks, cracks, or aesthetic issues. Specialized composites are utilized in anterior aesthetic restorations.

Precautions Before and After Restorative Dental Treatment:

  1. Precautions Before and After Restorative Dental Treatment:

    • Inform your dentist about your medical history and any medications you’re taking before the treatment.
    • Post-treatment, you might experience pain or swelling. Follow your dentist’s recommendations, consider taking painkillers, and applying cold compresses.
    • After the procedure, maintain dental hygiene by regularly brushing your teeth and using dental floss.
    • Avoid extremely hot or cold foods and refrain from exerting unnecessary pressure on your teeth.
    • Adhere to your dentist’s advice and ensure regular dental check-ups.

    The Dental and Medical Center Difference in Restorative Dental Treatment:

    Aiming to provide premier service in restorative dental treatment, Dental and Medical Center harnesses the power of the latest technology. With a team of seasoned professionals and a commitment to quality materials, we ensure a safe and comfortable treatment experience for our patients. Prioritizing patient satisfaction, Dental and Medical Center extends necessary support before and after treatment.

Booking an Appointment:

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+90 545 586 86 17

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    Understanding our customers’ needs, ensuring their satisfaction, and always providing the highest quality service are our most important values.

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